You remember this, right? "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown." Kind of hard to miss it if you've ever had a working television, 'cause it's been on each Halloween since 1966. You almost have to watch it each year; either for a trip down memory lane or the little ones are watching.
I'm positive that most kids, if not all, thought Charlie got a bum deal that night, am I right? I felt sorry for the guy - his parents were never around and it's for sure they didn't help him with a Halloween costume!
Remember going out crunching the leaves with your friends, hyped up on adrenaline and sugar, and excited to see your 'loot' ? And at home, you pour out your bag and separate the spoils into piles of good and 'bad' candy. . . you know what I mean; tootsie rolls and smarties, 'bank' lollipops, and non-candy items go in the bad pile or they're up for trade. But imagine getting rocks! I think that would have made me cry - being honest here; Charlie suffered some of the worst costume discrimination ever known in toon-land! Poor kid . . . absentee parents, judgemental neighbors and cruel 'friends' - - SHEESH! Now that I think of it, what a crummy cartoon!
Got a little of track, pardon me. Back to my point;
as my fascination and appreciation for rocks and minerals grow with every rock I examine, I've come to the conclusion that perhaps Charlie Brown didn't do so bad. I consider rocks as jewels of the earth and actually, I wouldn't mind getting a rock or two while Trick or Treating. . . because you know, I bet Charlie got some really great Lake Superior agates!
This year my 'costume' can be my rockhounding clothes and if I come to your door asking for a treat, toss a few cool rocks into my bag and your house will not be TPed or egged -- I promise!